Friday, October 24, 2008

here comes the bride

birthday photos are impending, but here's something to tide over anyone who actually reads this blather of mine. i got an EEG today. So in my Life Plan, I think I'll include wearing one of these nets to my wedding instead of a veil.

In other news... more important news, that is... SARAH IS HERE. She interviewed at the Mind today. I am so proud of you Sararrrrr, you are a little prospective-job-machine!

Oh! AND. Senator Barack Obama is going to be in Albuquerque tomorrow, so it looks like camping plans are being put on hold again. Which is ok, it's not like we're running out of time, not directly anyway.

How am I supposed to get work done when I feel so happy? It really is true what they say about positive affect decreasing productivity.

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