Saturday, April 18, 2009

It can't be summer::that got through::it's early yet for spring

Heyyyy April. After a month of irresolute weather, the forecast seems to only go up from here; today is beautiful and sunny, with uncharacteristically large and fluffy clouds floating from the freshly-whitened Sandias over the city. I am caffeinated and looking forward to a long Saturday run around the city. Life is good, work is good, and here is a retrospective of the last two months since I've been such a lazy-ass about posting.

I got my laptop fixed after lava-hot butter got spilled all over it... the people at sent it back to me with this written on the box. Haha. Awesome. (thanks, Kevin, you are rad!) (oh and p.s. I highly recommend that site for lcd repair, they are cheap and way fast.)

Went to Tampa for SPSP, got to see David and Yoel and Sammy G. (and meet Paul Bloom! Nice!)

My mom visited in February. We ate delicious food, went horseback riding on the Rio Grande, and took the tram to Sandia Peak at sunset to have dinner. Mom!

My car got broken into, which sucked pretty hard because my ipod and my favorite bag and my organizey-list-notebook and my credit cards were in there... but lesson learned, NEVER leave crap in your car. It was my initiation to Albuquerque, and hey, I even got my window fixed for the price of a 12-pack of good beer. And I got these cool photos out of it.

The sky looks all whipped up and glowing like this pretty often when I get off work late after scanning.

I am fostering this batshit crazy cat named Taffy. I take her to try and get her adopted once a week and she likes riding here best. Ridiculous.

stomp stomp.

Allie and Katie visted from Chicago, and there was a prom party. I miss that weekend.

I am increasingly interested in making only very beautiful food.

One of the only photos I ended up with from St. Patrick's Day; we were walking home around 1am and got waved into Brickyard Pizza for yet another Irish Car Bomb. Hi Josh!

Our lab attended Cognitive Neuroscience Society in San Francisco...

Here is southwest landscape from the window of the plane...

It was cool and damp and overcast when we got there, and I snapped this photo of the bay on the cab ride to our hotel:

We were all starving by 2pm west coast time, and discovered this wicked Chinese restaurant:

Tsingtao and Dr. Rex... hi, Boss!

View from Russian Hill... oh what oh what does this remind me of? (

Obligatory touristy photo... (incidentally, that palace-looking thing in the background is where we ate that first day... want to go baaaack)

I don't remember the name of this place, but the sushi was AMAZING. And so were these goofy tiny glasses they gave us for our giant Sapporos.

Russian Hill, evening, view from the hotel. I love the way that the streets look like they've been carved into the rooftop terrain.

Poster session... look at all that traffic.

Emma does not like to cook, but she is an impeccable assembler... so we are perfecting our nori rolling techniques (while the boys drink beer in the living room, preparing to be insanely grateful)

mmmmm spicy tuna roll.

Adventures in baking! This was a riot to make... it felt like I was in a cartoon (recipe here, with lovely photos: )

Jesus = celebrate with beverages made from grapes! Easter was brunch and mimosas and scrubs... for ten hours.

aaand, a moment of Zen from William Wordsworth, cause I like it:

And I have felt
A presence that disturbs me with the joy
Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime
Of something far more deeply interfused,
Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns,
And the round ocean and the living air,
And the blue sky, and in the mind of man;
A motion and a spirit, that impels
All thinking things, all objects of all thought,
And rolls through all things.