Monday, October 27, 2008

stumbling into my 23rd year

Only 6 days post-event posting! That's pretty damn good for me. I tried to put these in chronological order, but I think most people could figure out the progression of the night pretty easily (e.g., guess which came first: the car bombs or the drawing on my face?)

There were a lot more photos than this (Dae Il was nothing if not prolific in his documentation of the evening), but it takes forever to upload them to blogger. My birthday was amazing, thank you to everyone who showed up!

The next three pictures are definitely chronological, but spaced apart; they go from "yayyy car bombs!" to "wooo roomies!" to "Emma your hair is SO PRETTY NOW I SHALL FALL ON YOU"

There were about 12 of these of Kevin. I'll try to add more

Tribe nose-paintings and a sparse goatee. Totally normal. Birthday: success!!


Rob said...

Rachael, you know what this blog could use?.....more pictures of me.

Don't try to deny it.

syd said...

you are ridiculous. and i wouldnt have it any other way.

im glad you birthday pasó rico! miss you mucho.